Sunday, February 19, 2012

Albert Einstein, Egyptian Mysteries, and Relativity E=mc²

Around 5000 years ago in Ancient Egypt, the cosmology and theology in a city called Heliopolis or Annu stated that:
In the beginning there was only the "dark water" called Nu, symbolic of inert nothingness, and chaos. Out of the dark waters of Nu there arose a "Primordial Mound" or Hill called the "BenBen Stone". On top of the Primordial Stone stood a deity named Atum who proceeded to create the rest of the world.

The Primordial Mound was symbolized in Egyptian Architecture through the construction of Obelisks and Pyramids. The Primordial Mound was personified in mythology as the deity Ta-Nun who was symbolic of "matter" or "Earth." The deity Atum was associated with "the Sun", light, and creative energy. Atum was considered a "son of Ptah" who created Atum through the symbolic vibration of "speech". This ancient African cosmological story used mythology to depict the relativistic relationship between Energy or "light" symbolized by Atum, and "matter" symbolized by the Primordial mound or BenBen stone.

Now let's fast forward to the year 1905. A scientist by the name of Albert Einstein proposes a relationship between mass and energy in a paper entitled "Does the Inertia of a Mass depend on its Energy content?" The relationship expressed in this paper would go on to become known as the famous equation E=mc2, and would eventually revolutionize the field of Science and Physics.

So what is the connection between Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity equation E=mc2 and the Ancient Egyptian Theology of Atum or "Energy" standing on a Stone or "matter"?

Well, besides the fact that both Albert Einstein's Theory and the Heliopolis Theology both describe a relativistic relationship between matter and energy...the name "Albert Einstein" actually expresses the events described in the story of Atum standing on the Primordial Mound.
In the German language, the name "Albert" means bright or Light and "Einstein" means "On Stone". Thus, the name "Albert Einstein" literally means "Light On a Stone which is exactly what is symbolically depicted in the Ancient African story of Atum (or Light) standing on the Benben Stone.

So it seems that not only History, but also Theology and Theory repeat themselves...

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